Hi, I'm Patricia

A proud wife, mom, and two-time cancer survivor. That terrifying diagnosis (twice!) and my tumultuous journey through treatment, including an allergic reaction to chemo, resulted in my search for other effective options. I discovered and implemented alternate, proven methods of healing.

Those incredible results are what led me to help other women to be proactive
with their health. To let go of worry about the illness that they didn’t get. I
became a healing coach and the first Canadian to receive mentorship
accreditation from the internationally recognized Energy Alignment Method®.

Blog Page photo of author Patricia Dalgleish

I was determined to not let my mom's story be my story!

Faced with a generational fear of dying young like my mom, and her mom, I knew I had to let that go. I took control and empowered myself to create a new chapter. One where I was healthy, energetic, and a survivor. That led me to helping other women be more proactive with their health.

by Patricia Dalgleish Activation Energy Healing
Photo of Patricia Dalgleish on About Page

My Story

As someone who's been through a serious illness... TWICE, I can personally understand the overwhelm, confusion and fear of facing a serious diagnosis. Trying to navigate through the available options and treatments while searching for a way to deal with the emotional baggage that came from hearing the word cancer.

It was during my journey, and an allergic reaction to chemo, that I began looking for alternative ways to take care of my health and wellness. That's when I found psychosomatic therapy. It was life changing. As I began healing, not just physically, but also emotionally and mentally, I discovered my confidence and strength. I was excited to practice my passion and move forward - on MY terms!

Fun Facts & Lessons I've Learned

The valuable and surprising discoveries I’ve made throughout my healing journey:

I remember sitting with my mom and having a beautiful conversation one evening. She was laying on the bed of the pull-out couch in our living room. 

She was hooked up to an IV that was providing her with much-needed pain medication. Although it still wasn’t enough. 

We were talking about my plans to one day name my first daughter Josie, after her. She was touched and told me “That would be nice.”

That was the last conversation I had with my mom. She passed away the next morning from breast cancer.   

Several years later, I gave birth to my first daughter. Her name is Josie.

While away on a winter vacation in Florida with my husband and our two youngest children, I woke up in the middle of the night to an odd, tingling sensation in my breast.  It felt like a hard bead. 


Immediately, I knew what it was. 

As soon as we returned home, my doctors did some tests. In January 2010 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

It was a scary, but sadly, a familiar diagnosis. One that my mom had faced many years ago. 

The most difficult part was sharing the news with our kids. I didn’t want them to watch their mom go through what I saw my own mom go through all those years ago.

As I was faced with the diagnosis of breast cancer, I recalled a conversation I had with my niece shortly after my mom passed. I boldly stated that if I ever got breast cancer, I would have a double mastectomy. 

And now, here I was. Facing a life altering decision of what treatment I would consent to. 

Oddly enough, reflecting on that statement was empowering. It actually gave me a sense of control over my treatment. 

A double mastectomy it was! Followed by reconstruction and chemo.

As prepared as I was for my treatment, I was shocked by the total loss of energy – not to mention my allergic reaction to chemo. I barely made it from my bed, to the couch and back. TV was my only escape. 

As my energy began to return, I was invited to a healing event. The wide range of modalities was inspiring. It’s what led to me discovering my passion and purpose. Psychosomatic Therapy! 

Then, three years later, my greatest fear was realized. My cancer returned, and I had a third mastectomy. After dealing with the allergic reaction to chemo, I knew I had to try something different. I opted for natural remedies, treatments and vitamin IV’s. 

I’m confident that that decision is a big part of why I am still on this earth today.  

After my second diagnosis, I was determined to not let my mom’s story, be my story.  I let go of that generational fear of dying young like my mom and her mom. 

Instead my path has led me to helping other women be proactive with their health rather than reacting.

I’ve taken many courses, including mentorship accreditation – the FIRST in Canada – for the Energy Alignment Method®. It truly was my calling.  

My life is fulfilling. Helping to make a positive difference for other women to become empowered and confident in their health. To be proactive rather than reactive. 

When your health is suffering, whether it’s emotionally, mentally, or physically, it comes at a cost. By checking in your energy system and how your body is expressing itself, we can follow your sway to let go of the dis-ease within. 

And if you’re dealing with stress, overwhelm, traumatic experiences and memories, or physical or emotional pain, start by learning to be at ease within yourself. Releasing the traumatic experiences from your energy and giving your body extra help to do its job by adding products that are activating your body at a cellular level.

What's Your Health Worth to You?

Is your health affecting your relationships? Work? Quality of life?

When your health is suffering, whether it’s emotionally, mentally or physically, it comes at a cost. Too often our first instinct is to find relief through medication.  

But if you’re dealing with stress, overwhelm, traumatic experiences and memories, or physical or emotional pain, there are less invasive ways of treating those issues. 

My powerful combination of The Energy Alignment Method® and other proven natural wellness techniques have helped change, not only my life and overall health, but my client’s lives.

If you’re not investing in you and your health, what’s it costing you?

Patricia Dalgleish Activation Energy Healing

Work With Me

I offer private online coaching and mentoring sessions and in-depth programs to help you jump-start the healthier, more energetic version of you!

Ready to find out more about how I can help?